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Special Request


You may place a SPECIAL REQUEST for an out of stock / sold out catalog product and / or custom product using this form.

You must completely fill in the form and include the SKU in the comment field.

If you are seeking a custom product, you must include a thorough description of what you are seeking, your budget in USD, and SKU if applicable.

Approval of special requests are at the sole discretion of Nusi Quero Atelier. Given the extremely high volume of inquiries and orders, we may not respond to your special request. If we respond and approve your special requests, be prepared to pay in full, or your approval may be cancelled. Approved special requests are placed in a queue, and may be subject to additional time for manufacturing, shipping, and handling.

Nusi Quero pieces are generally only available in one size. All of our products are made to order. Please allow a minimum of 4 weeks for manufacturing, shipping and handling. All sales are final. There are no returns, refunds, or exchanges. Images shown may differ from final product. Nusi Quero Atelier products are works of art, and must be handled carefully.

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